Did you know that intravenous (IV) vitamins and minerals have been shown to nourish the body?

It’s safe to say that our brain relies on these nutrients to support its functionality! Vitamins and minerals are connected to producing energy in the body, controlling metabolism, synthesizing DNA, transporting oxygen and maintaining neuronal functions.

A vitamin drip therapy works by directly feeding vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream of a patient. When IV vitamins and minerals are added straight into the bloodstream, these nutrients are instantly available for use. What this means is that the intravenous nutrients do not have to wait to be filtered through the digestive system and liver.

Here’s why IV vitamin therapy may be considered as aids for helping reach optimal health:

  1. Nutritional vitamin IV therapy may help drive cellular energy production.

Nutrients can be thought of as “fuel” for the body’s biochemistry, while supporting physical activity and promoting tissue growth. Through dietary carbohydrates, fats and proteins, the body must build cellular energy for daily living.

The cellular energy process begins when enzymes digest the food we eat: carbohydrates are transformed into sugars; fatty acids are created from lipids; and proteins are broken down into amino acids. Then, amino acids, fats and sugars are absorbed into our cells; energy is produced in the intracellular fluid and in the mitochondria (small organelles found within cells that release energy from the food we eat). When cellular energy is created for use and storage, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is at work. ATP is the principal energy carrier in living organisms; in the human body, ATP supports all metabolic functions.

Intravenous vitamin infusion of B vitamins, zinc, magnesium and other nutrients help transform our dietary energy into a chain of chemical reactions that synthesize ATP. Thus, a vitamin drip IV therapy may possibly help transform dietary energy into a range of much-needed chemical reactions, encouraging the body to optimally function.

  1. IV nutrient therapy may contribute to reducing fatigue.

Did you know that vitamin and mineral deficiencies have been linked to feeling lethargic and fatigued?

Unfortunately, these deficiencies are not always examined when the “backbones” of fatigue are being treated. However, energy-promoting IV vitamin treatment can be directly administered into the bloodstream for swift energy-producing results

Intravenous high dose vitamin C was shown in a study to be safe and effectual for improving energy level in office employees. “A group of 141 healthy volunteers, aged 20 to 49 years participated in this randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial,” explained Nutrition Journal. “The trial group received 10 grams of vitamin C with normal saline intravenously, while the placebo group received normal saline only.” The results of the study disclosed that employees given intravenous high dose vitamin C had reduced fatigue, which lasted for one day.

IV therapists and practitioners also recommend intravenous B vitamins to combat fatigue, especially B6 and B12. A deficiency in B6 and B12 can be the culprits behind anemia; when the red blood cell capacity for carrying oxygen weakens, it can lead to frail muscles, confusion, irritability and fatigue. Accordingly, intravenous B vitamins including B6 and B12 may encourage the body’s ability to undergo less physical and mental fatigue.

  1. Cognition and physical performance may recuperate with vitamin IV drips.

Fatigue is not just “feeling tired”; it can lead to a variety of health issues. These include problems with concentration, decision-making, mood, memory, and other physical condition and mental concerns. A lack of motivation can arise, limiting the activities you want to accomplish, like chores, work, socializing, exercising, and hobbies.

Studies have shown that decreased cognitive and physical tasks are caused by fatigue. In a study with cross-country skiers, it was shown that fatigue from physical training actually led to modest sport performances. In another study, it was revealed that exhausting working conditions (i.e. shifts, stress, lengthy hours) led to poor “diagnostic performance” from radiologists.

Consequently, IV hydration vitamin drip therapy and alleviating fatigue may help with energy production; this may positively impact cognition and physical performance. “Beyond severe deficiencies, which readily translate into clinical consequences, inadequate status or intakes in vitamins and minerals is known to be associated with cognitive and psychological dysfunction,” confirms the medical journal Nutrition.

To improve cognition and physical performance, we suggest discussing oral or intravenous vitamin therapy with B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and other nutrients with your IV therapist or naturopathic doctor, such as one at the IV Lounge.

  1. IV therapy relieves nutritional deficiencies.

Did you know that IV therapy might plausibly help with daily nutritional needs? This may promote recovery from various illnesses and health conditions, such as dehydration, food poisoning, eating disorders, dysphagia, and more. This is particularly important for patients who cannot fully absorb oral supplements to reach healthy nutrition, such as those diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (i.e. colitis and Crohn’s disease).

When the gastrointestinal tract is inflamed, it reduces the absorption of essential nutrients and vitamins, such as vitamin B1 and B2. This can be detrimental to our bodies because the gastrointestinal tract transfers vitamins and minerals into the body to foster optimal health. In this case, oral supplements may be unproductive, which is why infusions of vitamins through IV therapy is a sound nutritional option.

  1. Infusion of vitamins and minerals may possibly contribute to supporting immune function.

It may be possible for routine IV therapy to help upkeep your immunity as it’s laden with immunity-supporting vitamins. Intravenous vitamin C, an antioxidant that defends your cells from the ravages of free radicals, may aid in reducing the duration of upper respiratory illness. In fact, IV therapists recommend immune-boosting vitamin drip therapy be given prior to or after cold/flu symptoms appear, which may lessen both cold and flu symptoms.

IV vitamin D may also promote immune-strengthening affects. “Epidemiologic studies have found high vitamin D levels to be associated with lower risk of infections of the upper respiratory tract (colds)… This finding further supports the notion that vitamin D status should be monitored in adult patients with frequent respiratory tract infections, and patients with vitamin D deficiency must be supplemented,” explains the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Keep in mind that appropriate vitamin D doses are based on age and lifestyle; also, studies have shown that daily/weekly vitamin D administration may come with supplementary benefits when compared to large doses given within 24 hours or once a month.

How Can IV Vitamins and Minerals Impact Your Life?

IV vitamin and mineral therapy may potentially offer health benefits in mental and physical fatigue and cognitive and psychological functions.

As a quick reminder, please consider safe and efficient supplementation. The dosages of either oral or IV-delivered vitamins and minerals should be thoroughly discussed with your IV therapist and naturopathic doctor in Toronto, as well as details about bioavailability and the duration of your personal treatment n order to reap positive effects and avoid unwanted side effects.

How can we help you further understand IV vitamin therapy in Toronto? Contact the IV Lounge today if you have more questions about our intravenous drip services such as a custom IV therapy in our Toronto clinic. Call (647) 549-3484 or email us at info@theivlounge.ca to reserve your appointment.


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