
Benefits of IV therapy for pregnancy
- Decreases risk of preterm labor and preterm birth
- Decreases risk of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
- Reduce morning sickness
- Minimizes nausea
- Increases energy
- Reduced swelling
- Decreases consfpafon
- Keeps your body cooler and soiens skin
What’s In Our REJUVEMED Drip
Our proprietary Drips are scienffically formulated by the country’s top
Internists to deliver opfmal levels of essenfal electrolytes, anfoxidants,
vitamins and minerals necessary to bring your body to its peak capacity.
The hydrafon received in just one unit of our REJUVÉMED drip is
equivalent to the hydrafon received drinking 2 gallons of water.

What ingredients are used?
All REJUVÉMED drips are customized with a formulafon that is specific to
the health needs of each Pafent. Whether you are looking for weight loss
or rehydrafon, REJUVÉMED will create a bespoke drip for you.
IV Therapy is different from taking a multivitamin
Oral supplements are consumed orally in the form of liquids or tablets.
REJUVÉMED IV therapy delivers the nutrients directly into your veins,
enabling the nutrients to go straight to your bloodstream where
it is most needed.