We’ve learned that IV therapy in Toronto may contribute to optimal wellness. So did you know that the IV Lounge offers glutathione as IV therapy? This intravenous treatment may encourage anti-aging, longevity and overall wellness.

What is glutathione? 

In the human body, glutathione is a crucial peptide in every cell, especially the immune cells. It is constructed in the liver and made up of three essential amino acids: cysteine, glycine and glutamate. 

Glutathione is a critical antioxidant for protecting our cells, maintain optimal immune function and helping the body detoxify. In fact, glutathione is frequently named the “master detoxifier” for effectively fighting against free radicals. It’s indispensable in the defense strategy for antioxidants and detoxification, mitochondrial function, and healthy aging. 

Read on for five reasons why glutathione IV therapy supplementation may encourage anti-aging and longevity. 

1. May help “slow down” aging. Oxidative stress is known to impair cell membrane proteins. Unfortunately, oxidative stress in the body tends to increase as we age, which may lead to medical conditions and degenerative diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and memory issues. Thus, supplementing with doses of glutathione may be beneficial for longevity, as it helps the body continually defend itself against free radicals and maintain immunity as you age.

2. May prevent or alleviate deficiency. Aside from age, you may be at risk of a glutathione deficiency if the following applies to you: exposure to pollution and/or UV radiation; excessively consuming alcohol; chronic stress; smoking nicotine; poor sleep and diet; and using certain medications (i.e. acetaminophen). However, administration of intravenous glutathione may encourage the body to fight against oxidative stress caused by the above risk factors. 

3. Sulfur-rich foods may encourage glutathione production. Glutathione is found in sulfur-rich foods, and coincidentally, sulfur is required for synthesizing glutathione. Dietary proteins (i.e. beef, fish, and poultry) and cruciferous vegetables (i.e. cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli) contain sulfur-containing amino acids, which may assist with increasing the body’s production of glutathione. (FYI: if you’re a smoker seeking for anti-aging effects, try eating 83 grams of almonds per day. This may help increase glutathione levels by 16 percent!)

4. May naturally help with aging skin. If you’re concerned about skin health such as wrinkles, skin tone, skin lightening, and skin elasticity, glutathione may become your new friend. According to an article published in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, a study of female participants aged 20-50 were divided into three groups and given a placebo, oral glutathione in reduced form (GSH) or oral glutathione in oxidized form (GSSG). “In generalized estimating equation analyses, melanin index and ultraviolet spots of all sites including face and arm when given GSH and GSSG tended to be lower than placebo,” explained study results. “At some sites evaluated, subjects who received GSH showed a significant reduction in wrinkles compared with those taking placebo. A tendency toward increased skin elasticity was observed in GSH and GSSG compared with placebo.” (Quick tip: staying hydrated is another way to keep skin supple as you age. Our clinic offers the “Max Hydration Drip”, which helps rehydrate and may detoxify the body (i.e. liver detoxification). Click here to learn about our IV hydration therapy.)

5. Intravenous glutathione treatment is delivered directly into the bloodstream. Whether you’re considering glutathione IVs for preventing degenerative diseases or for its beneficial effects such as skin wrinkles, skin whitening and smooth out fine lines, speak to an IV therapist/naturopathic doctor about glutathione IV therapy. This is because oral supplements may be ineffective for some individuals, especially since glutathione can get damaged through the digestive process. Although gastro-resistant supplements have popped up in health stores, custom IV therapy for glutathione treatment may be an optimal choice because it is delivered straight into the bloodstream. The benefits of glutathione IV therapy is that it avoids the digestive tract, and bioavailability may be improved when glutathione swiftly spreads into the cells, brain, muscles and so forth.

Understanding natural anti-aging strategies

Do you have inquiries about intravenous administration of glutathione or IV vitamins and minerals? How can we help you naturally improve longevity? 

At The IV Lounge, we are here to educate patients about glutathione and other IV vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B IV therapy , IV hydration therapy, high dose IV vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid IVvitamin D IV therapy booster shots, and more. Our doors are open and we’re accepting new patients. (Note: strict COVID-19 protocols are in place.) Please don’t hesitate to ask us about custom glutathione IV therapy in Toronto. To book a consultation with our naturopathic doctor, click here to contact us.


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