At the IV Lounge, we have a passion for educating patients about natural health, custom IV therapy such as glutathione IV drip, and IV vitamins and minerals. So let’s learn about glutathione, a strong antioxidant that’s indispensable to the body.

Glutathione is essential for the protection against toxins. As a peptide produced in the liver, it is the body’s detoxification “hub” with roles such as:

  • Promoting skin health such as skin lightening/lighter skin and skin elasticity; may naturally help with aging skin such as skin wrinkles
  • Improving mood
  • Acting as a cofactor for antioxidant enzymes
  • Neutralizing harmful free radicals that may be detrimental to the body
  • Regenerating vitamins C and E
  • Supporting mitochondrial function in our cells.

Glutathione has such significance that researchers have termed it a “superhero” antioxidant. In fact, atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases, and even cancer have something in common: a deficiency in glutathione. So how does glutathione influence the immune system? Does it impact inflammation? What may be the potential harmful effects on health? Read on to discover how glutathione IV drip treatments in Toronto may support immunity and combat inflammation, as well as other glutathione benefits:

1.Inflammation may lessen with glutathione supplementation. When you have low glutathione levels, this encourages inflammation to persist in the human body, causing high levels of pro-inflammatory mediators. So when low glutathione levels are not addressed, inflammation may exacerbate and possibly trigger other negative health effects. Thus, we suggest consulting with a naturopathic doctor or IV therapist about supplementing with glutathione through intravenous infusion, which may help lessen inflammation while replenishing glutathione levels.

2.Glutathione supplements may improve cellular health and impact inflammation. Oxidative stress – the discrepancy between free radicals and antioxidants – may have toxic effects and can spur inflammation and cellular damage. According to Autoimmune Reviews, distorted glutathione levels may negatively impact health conditions caused by oxidative stress-related inflammation or immune reactions. Accordingly, supplemental glutathione may promote cellular functioning while helping to attack oxidative stress and may improve overall quality of health. (Interested in detoxification? Here are some health benefits that an intravenous glutathione supplementation may produce.)

3.Restoring glutathione levels may help bolster immunity. The immune system effectually operates when the body has balanced glutathione levels; this is why glutathione supplementation may further support your body’s immune function. Glutathione consists of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamate, and glycine. In fact, “… immunological functions in diseases that are associated with a cysteine and glutathione deficiency may be significantly enhanced and potentially restored by cysteine supplementation,” says the journal Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.

FYI: It’s worth mentioning that supplementation may also contribute to increasing production of glutathione levels and promoting brain function. According to a study of adults with Parkinson’s disease or Gaucher disease, single IV doses of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) increased glutathione levels in the brains of participants. This particular study demonstrates that antioxidants may potentially be used to help support the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.

4.Meditation has been shown to boost natural production of glutathione. Did you know that meditation practitioners are prone to having increased levels of glutathione compared to those who don’t meditate? This makes sense, as meditation practitioners tend to have low oxidative stress levels. (And remember, high oxidative stress may cause inflammation and illness.) So if you’ve doubted meditation in the past, do reconsider it for improving amounts of glutathione levels to help relieve inflammation and perhaps enhance immunity.

5.Custom glutathione IV drip may support inflammation relief and help improve immunity. What is an effective method for supplementing with glutathione? At the IV Lounge, we suggest heightening glutathione levels with IV therapy. IV therapy allows for glutathione to immediately enter the bloodstream; this is different from oral supplements, which take time to filter through digestion prior to reaching the blood. What’s also beneficial about IV therapy is that it acts as IV hydration therapy, which promotes rehydration to restore fluid loss.

What can a glutathione iv drip in Toronto do for you?

Glutathione IV drip therapy is an avenue to consider for refining the immune system and fighting inflammation. It may be a powerful antioxidant and a wide range of glutathione benefits may include improving your energy levels, longevity, detoxification, and even brain function.

If you’re ready to make a change to your lifestyle, whether it’s through dietary means or supplements, don’t hesitate to contact us. Let’s discuss how glutathione drips (role of glutathione, doses of glutathione, different forms of glutathione supplementation, benefits of glutathione, and more) may impact your well-being. You’re welcome to call (647) 549-3484 to book your appointment.


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